Is the result of caring more than others think is wise, risking more than others think is safe, dreaming more than others
think is practical, and expecting more than others think is possible.

PRIDE...Justifiable self-respect STOIC...One who suffers without complaining FORTITUDE...Strength of mind
that enables one to meet danger or bear pain or adversity with courage COURAGE...The ability to conquer fear or despair

FORMIDABLE...Exciting fear, dread, or awe IMPOSING...Impressive because of size: bearing dignity or grandeur
UNRELENTING...Not yielding in determination, not letting up or weakening in vigor or pace: Constant

FIERY...Full of emotion or spirit STRONG...Powerful, vigorous, healthy-robust, not mild or weak, not easily broken,
firm, solid, stalwart, tough

SINCERE...Free from hypocrisy: honest AUTHENTIC...Genuine, real DOWN-TO-EARTH...Practical, realistic

SPECIAL...Uncommon, noteworthy, particularly favored, individual, unique HANDSOME...Pleasing and unusually impressive
in appearance

MISUNDERSTOOD...To interpret incorrectly