Game Day Schedule: Between 8:00 and 8:30am - Wake up! Eat a light breakfast 9:00 - 9:15am
- Arrive at the rink for practice Rehab any injury Do a light off-ice warm-up with stretching 10:30am
- On Ice - Practice & Equipment Preparation Start slow and get loose Work on angles, get hands and feet
moving Check equipment and fix now! Sharpen skates, replace laces, broken straps, and etc. 12:00
- 1:00pm - Lunch time 2:00pm - Nap time Take a 1-2 hour nap to recharge 4:00 - 4:30pm -
Go to the rink and get ready The most important part of the game day preparation is what you do at the rink
to get ready. That is where you start narrowing your focus and enter the performance zone. 5:00pm
- At the rink for a 7:00 game Getting to the rink early so that you aren't rushed will give you a feeling
of control. Identify all the things you want to do before the game and then sequence them in a logical
order. 6:30pm - Pre-game warm-up
